Fresco Bon tempe lake

Publié le par Minouche Graglia

In front of this beautiful mural,my heart expands.
The colors soften myself,give me calm,tranquility and serenity-
the shape of the mountains makes me feel I can explore more above the horizon line and above my own limitations,opening my mind to new fields ,new hopesI feel blessed by this landscape that heals my sadness and anxiety
When I plunge my eyes in the water of the lake,my worries desappear,washed away,
and I know I clear myself,my soul and my spirit.
It is a work of great Love and I thanks the artist ,Minouche,to be such a healer

Bon Tempe Lake
Earth pigments and Lime stone





wouldn t it be nice to see this kind oof natural earth pigments decor in :

Minouche’s wonderful fresco of Bon Tempe lake has transformed my bedroom!  The landscape is serene, spacious and beautiful.  The colors are warm and rich; they glow as if they were in sunlight.  Minouche is a genius with limewash and natural pigments – I have never seen anything like it.  Her intuition guided her to bring water into the room to balance the energy.  It is perfect for me!  I grew up near lakes and I miss them, so the scene is the perfect blending of my love for both Minnesota and Marin!  The hummingbirds add the final touch of joy and life. I sleep and wake peacefully with this mural.
Johana Sherlin

I love you mural work.It is truly extraordinary
commentaire n° : 3 posté par : Jenai Lane (site web) le: 16/01/2008 23:11:09

Publié dans Fresco

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